Guilherme Bagno has more than 15 years of experience in the áreas of, Human Ressources, labor and social security law having spent time abroad in a large multinational group.

He is currently a board member on the Conselho de Relações do Trabalho e de Recursos Humanos da FIEMG (Federação das Indústrias de Minas Gerais), at the Associação Brasileira de Recursos Humanos, Minas Gerais (ABRH) and Diretor of Labor Relations of   SESCON/MG (Sindicato das Empresas de Assessoria Contábil e Perícia do Estado de Minas Gerais),where he is in charge of the collective bargaining  commission for the category.

Academic education

  • Law Degree from Universidade FUMEC
  • Post-Graduate Degree in Labor Law and Procedure at Faculdade Milton Campos
  • Certified by Fundação Dom Cabral in the Programa de Capacitação de Resultados (PCR)
Time Coimbra & Chaves